The Meson build system Version: 1.2.1 Source dir: /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman Build dir: /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/build Build type: native build Project name: pacman Project version: 6.0.1 C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 13.2.1 "cc (GCC) 13.2.1 20230801") C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.41.0 Host machine cpu family: aarch64 Host machine cpu: aarch64 Program python3 found: YES (/data/usr/bin/python3) Program bash found: YES (/data/usr/bin/bash) Found pkg-config: /data/usr/bin/pkg-config (1.8.1) Run-time dependency bash-completion found: YES 2.11 Checking for function "ngettext" : YES Run-time dependency libarchive found: YES 3.7.1 Run-time dependency libcurl found: YES 8.2.1 Run-time dependency gpgme found: YES 1.22.0 Run-time dependency libcrypto found: YES 3.1.2 Has header "mntent.h" : YES Has header "sys/mnttab.h" : NO Has header "sys/mount.h" : YES Has header "sys/param.h" : YES Has header "sys/statvfs.h" : YES Has header "sys/types.h" : YES Has header "sys/ucred.h" : NO Has header "termios.h" : YES Checking for function "getmntent" : YES Checking for function "getmntinfo" : NO Checking for function "strndup" : YES Checking for function "strnlen" : YES Checking for function "strsep" : YES Checking for function "swprintf" : YES Checking for function "tcflush" : YES Checking whether type "struct stat" has member "st_blksize" : YES Checking whether type "struct statvfs" has member "f_flag" : YES Checking whether type "struct statfs" has member "f_flags" : NO Checking for type "mode_t" : YES Checking for type "uid_t" : YES Checking for type "off_t" : YES Checking for type "pid_t" : YES Checking for type "size_t" : YES Checking for type "ssize_t" : YES Checking for type "int64_t" : YES Configuring config.h using configuration Configuring using configuration Program found: YES (/data/usr/bin/bash /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/build/scripts/ Configuring libmakepkg.pc using configuration Program msgfmt found: YES (/data/usr/bin/msgfmt) Program msginit found: YES (/data/usr/bin/msginit) Program msgmerge found: YES (/data/usr/bin/msgmerge) Program xgettext found: YES (/data/usr/bin/xgettext) Program asciidoc found: YES (/data/usr/bin/asciidoc) Program a2x found: YES (/data/usr/bin/a2x) Program doxygen found: YES (/data/usr/bin/doxygen) Configuring Doxyfile using configuration Configuring makepkg using configuration Configuring pacman-db-upgrade using configuration Configuring pacman-key using configuration Configuring repo-add using configuration Configuring repo-remove using configuration Configuring repo-elephant using configuration Configuring makepkg.conf using configuration Configuring rust.conf using configuration Configuring pacman.conf using configuration Checking for size of "ssize_t" : 8 Message: pacman 6.0.1 Build information: prefix : /data/usr sysconfdir : /data/etc conf file : /data/etc/pacman.conf localstatedir : /data/var database dir : /data/var/lib/pacman/ cache dir : /data/var/cache/pacman/pkg/ keyringdir : /data/usr/share/pacman/keyrings compiler : gcc 13.2.1 Architecture : aarch64 Host Type : aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu File inode command : stat -c '%i %n' File seccomp command : file -S libalpm version : 13.0.1 pacman version : 6.0.1 Directory and file information: root working directory : / package extension : .pkg.tar.gz source pkg extension : .src.tar.gz build script name : PKGBUILD template directory : /usr/share/makepkg-template Compilation options: i18n support : true Build docs : true debug build : false Use libcurl : true Use GPGME : true Use OpenSSL : true Use nettle : false Build targets in project: 280 pacman 6.0.1 User defined options buildtype : plain includedir : lib/pacman/include libdir : lib/pacman/lib localstatedir : /data/var prefix : /data/usr sysconfdir : /data/etc doc : enabled doxygen : enabled ldconfig : /data/usr/bin/ldconfig root-dir : / scriptlet-shell: /data/usr/bin/bash Found ninja-1.11.1 at /data/usr/bin/ninja Generating targets: 0%| | 0/280 eta ? Writing 0%| | 0/368 eta ? WARNING: Running the setup command as `meson [options]` instead of `meson setup [options]` is ambiguous and deprecated. ninja: Entering directory `/data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/build' [1/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_autodep with a custom command [2/303] Generating scripts/ with a custom command [3/303] Generating scripts/ with a custom command [4/303] Generating scripts/ with a custom command [5/303] Generating scripts/ with a custom command [6/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/autodep/autodep_library_provides_sh_in with a custom command [7/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_buildenv with a custom command [8/303] Generating scripts/ with a custom command [9/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/autodep/autodep_library_depends_sh_in with a custom command [10/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/buildenv/buildenv_lto_sh_in with a custom command [11/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/buildenv/buildenv_buildflags_sh_in with a custom command [12/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/buildenv/buildenv_compiler_sh_in with a custom command [13/303] Generating scripts/repo-remove with a custom command [14/303] Generating scripts/repo-elephant with a custom command [15/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/buildenv/buildenv_debugflags_sh_in with a custom command [16/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/buildenv/buildenv_makeflags_sh_in with a custom command [17/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/buildenv/buildenv_rust_sh_in with a custom command [18/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_executable with a custom command [19/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_ccache_sh_in with a custom command [20/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_checksum_sh_in with a custom command [21/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_distcc_sh_in with a custom command [22/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_gpg_sh_in with a custom command [23/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_fakeroot_sh_in with a custom command [24/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_debugedit_sh_in with a custom command [25/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_gzip_sh_in with a custom command [26/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_pacman_sh_in with a custom command [27/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/integrity_generate_checksum_sh_in with a custom command [28/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/integrity_generate_signature_sh_in with a custom command [29/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_sudo_sh_in with a custom command [30/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_strip_sh_in with a custom command [31/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/integrity_verify_signature_sh_in with a custom command [32/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/executable/executable_vcs_sh_in with a custom command [33/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_integrity with a custom command [34/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_lint_config with a custom command [35/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/lint_config_paths_sh_in with a custom command [36/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/integrity/integrity_verify_checksum_sh_in with a custom command [37/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/lint_config_ext_sh_in with a custom command [38/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/lint_config_source_date_epoch_sh_in with a custom command [39/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_config/lint_config_variable_sh_in with a custom command [40/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_lint_package with a custom command [41/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/lint_package_build_references_sh_in with a custom command [42/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/lint_package_dotfiles_sh_in with a custom command [43/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/lint_package_file_names_sh_in with a custom command [44/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_package/lint_package_missing_backup_sh_in with a custom command [45/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_lint_pkgbuild with a custom command [46/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_arch_specific_sh_in with a custom command [47/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_arch_sh_in with a custom command [48/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_changelog_sh_in with a custom command [49/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_checkdepends_sh_in with a custom command [50/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_backup_sh_in with a custom command [51/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_depends_sh_in with a custom command [52/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_fullpkgver_sh_in with a custom command [53/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_conflicts_sh_in with a custom command [54/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_epoch_sh_in with a custom command [55/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_makedepends_sh_in with a custom command [56/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_optdepends_sh_in with a custom command [57/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_install_sh_in with a custom command [58/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_options_sh_in with a custom command [59/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_package_function_variable_sh_in with a custom command [60/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_package_function_sh_in with a custom command [61/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_pkgbase_sh_in with a custom command [62/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_pkgname_sh_in with a custom command [63/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_pkgver_sh_in with a custom command [64/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_pkglist_sh_in with a custom command [65/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_provides_sh_in with a custom command [66/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_source_sh_in with a custom command [67/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_pkgrel_sh_in with a custom command [68/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_util_sh_in with a custom command [69/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_bzr_sh_in with a custom command [70/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/lint_pkgbuild/lint_pkgbuild_variable_sh_in with a custom command [71/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_file_sh_in with a custom command [72/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_reproducible with a custom command [73/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/reproducible/reproducible_python_sh_in with a custom command [74/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_source with a custom command [75/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_fossil_sh_in with a custom command [76/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_git_sh_in with a custom command [77/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_local_sh_in with a custom command [78/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_hg_sh_in with a custom command [79/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_tidy with a custom command [80/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/source/source_svn_sh_in with a custom command [81/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_srcinfo with a custom command [82/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_libtool_sh_in with a custom command [83/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_purge_sh_in with a custom command [84/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_staticlibs_sh_in with a custom command [85/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_docs_sh_in with a custom command [86/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_emptydirs_sh_in with a custom command [87/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/libmakepkg_util with a custom command [88/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_strip_sh_in with a custom command [89/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_config_sh_in with a custom command [90/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_compress_sh_in with a custom command [91/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_message_sh_in with a custom command [92/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_option_sh_in with a custom command [93/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/tidy/tidy_zipman_sh_in with a custom command [94/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_dirsize_sh_in with a custom command [95/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_error_sh_in with a custom command [96/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_schema_sh_in with a custom command [97/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_source_sh_in with a custom command [98/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_parseopts_sh_in with a custom command [99/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_pkgbuild_sh_in with a custom command [100/303] Generating scripts/libmakepkg/util/util_util_sh_in with a custom command [101/303] Generating scripts/zsh_completion with a custom command [102/303] Generating scripts/bash_completion with a custom command [103/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ar/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [104/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/br/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [105/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [106/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ast/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [107/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/az_AZ/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [108/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [109/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [110/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/da/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [111/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/eo/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [112/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [113/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/el/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [114/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/es_419/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [115/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [116/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [117/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [118/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/eu_ES/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [119/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [120/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/hr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [121/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/fi/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [122/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/id/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [123/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/gl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [124/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [125/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/kk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [126/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/hi/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [127/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [128/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/lt/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [129/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [130/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [131/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [132/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [133/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/nb/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [134/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [135/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [136/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [137/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/ro/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [138/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/sk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [139/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/sl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [140/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [141/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [142/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [143/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/sr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [144/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [145/303] Generating src/pacman/po/az_AZ/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [146/303] Generating src/pacman/po/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [147/303] Generating src/pacman/po/br/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [148/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/uk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [149/303] Generating lib/libalpm/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [150/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [151/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ar/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [152/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ast/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [153/303] Generating src/pacman/po/el/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [154/303] Generating src/pacman/po/da/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [155/303] Generating src/pacman/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [156/303] Generating src/pacman/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [157/303] Generating src/pacman/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [158/303] Generating src/pacman/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [159/303] Generating src/pacman/po/eo/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [160/303] Generating src/pacman/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [161/303] Generating src/pacman/po/hi/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [162/303] Generating src/pacman/po/hr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [163/303] Generating src/pacman/po/es_419/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [164/303] Generating src/pacman/po/gl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [165/303] Generating src/pacman/po/id/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [166/303] Generating src/pacman/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [167/303] Generating src/pacman/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [168/303] Generating src/pacman/po/eu_ES/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [169/303] Generating src/pacman/po/fi/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [170/303] Generating src/pacman/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [171/303] Generating src/pacman/po/nb/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [172/303] Generating src/pacman/po/lt/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [173/303] Generating src/pacman/po/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [174/303] Generating src/pacman/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [175/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [176/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [177/303] Generating src/pacman/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [178/303] Generating src/pacman/po/sk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [179/303] Generating src/pacman/po/sl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [180/303] Generating src/pacman/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [181/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ro/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [182/303] Generating src/pacman/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [183/303] Generating src/pacman/po/sr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [184/303] Generating src/pacman/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [185/303] Generating src/pacman/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [186/303] Generating src/pacman/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [187/303] Generating src/pacman/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [188/303] Generating scripts/po/az_AZ/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [189/303] Generating src/pacman/po/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [190/303] Generating src/pacman/po/uk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [191/303] Generating scripts/po/bg/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [192/303] Generating scripts/po/br/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [193/303] Generating scripts/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [194/303] Generating scripts/po/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [195/303] Generating scripts/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [196/303] Generating scripts/po/el/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [197/303] Generating scripts/po/es_419/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [198/303] Generating scripts/po/da/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [199/303] Generating scripts/po/eu_ES/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [200/303] Generating scripts/po/cs/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [201/303] Generating scripts/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [202/303] Generating scripts/po/eo/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [203/303] Generating scripts/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [204/303] Generating scripts/po/fi/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [205/303] Generating scripts/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [206/303] Generating scripts/po/gl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [207/303] Generating scripts/po/lt/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [208/303] Generating scripts/po/hu/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [209/303] Generating scripts/po/nl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [210/303] Generating scripts/po/id/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [211/303] Generating scripts/po/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [212/303] Generating scripts/po/ko/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [213/303] Generating scripts/po/pt/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [214/303] Generating scripts/po/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [215/303] Generating scripts/po/ro/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [216/303] Generating scripts/po/sk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [217/303] Generating scripts/po/hi/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [218/303] Generating scripts/po/sl/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [219/303] Generating scripts/po/sr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [220/303] Generating scripts/po/it/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [221/303] Generating scripts/po/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [222/303] Generating scripts/po/nb/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [223/303] Generating scripts/po/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [224/303] Generating scripts/po/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [225/303] Generating scripts/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [226/303] Generating scripts/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [227/303] Generating scripts/po/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [228/303] Generating scripts/po/uk/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [229/303] Generating scripts/po/tr/LC_MESSAGES/ with a custom command [230/303] Generating doc/alpm-hooks.5 with a custom command [231/303] Generating doc/repo-add.8 with a custom command [232/303] Generating doc/testpkg.8 with a custom command [233/303] Generating doc/makepkg-template.1 with a custom command [234/303] Generating doc/pacman-db-upgrade.8 with a custom command [235/303] Generating doc/vercmp.8 with a custom command [236/303] Generating doc/pacman-key.8 with a custom command [237/303] Compiling C object libcommon.a.p/src_common_ini.c.o [238/303] Generating doc/doxygen with a custom command warning: Tag 'HTML_TIMESTAMP' at line 172 of file 'doc/Doxyfile' has become obsolete. To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u" warning: Tag 'LATEX_TIMESTAMP' at line 242 of file 'doc/Doxyfile' has become obsolete. To avoid this warning please remove this line from your configuration file or upgrade it using "doxygen -u" Doxygen version used: 1.9.8 (02e2f91a6d31f89f3ad6d9c8d2e62c4dcb41cc8c*) Searching for include files... Searching for files in directory /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/ Searching for example files... Searching for images... Searching for dot files... Searching for msc files... Searching for dia files... Searching for files to exclude Searching INPUT for files to process... Reading and parsing tag files Parsing files Preprocessing /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/lib/libalpm/alpm.h... Parsing file /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/lib/libalpm/alpm.h... Preprocessing /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/lib/libalpm/alpm_list.h... Parsing file /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/lib/libalpm/alpm_list.h... Building macro definition list... Building group list... Building directory list... Building namespace list... Building file list... Building class list... Building concept list... Computing nesting relations for classes... Associating documentation with classes... Associating documentation with concepts... Associating documentation with modules... Building example list... Searching for enumerations... Searching for documented typedefs... Searching for members imported via using declarations... Searching for included using directives... Searching for documented variables... Building interface member list... Building member list... Searching for friends... Searching for documented defines... Computing class inheritance relations... Computing class usage relations... Searching for tag less structs... Flushing cached template relations that have become invalid... Computing class relations... Add enum values to enums... Searching for member function documentation... Creating members for template instances... Building page list... Search for main page... Computing page relations... Determining the scope of groups... Computing module relations... Sorting lists... Determining which enums are documented Computing member relations... Building full member lists recursively... Adding members to member groups. Computing member references... Inheriting documentation... Generating disk names... Adding source references... Adding xrefitems... Sorting member lists... Setting anonymous enum type... Computing dependencies between directories... Generating citations page... Counting members... Counting data structures... Resolving user defined references... Finding anchors and sections in the documentation... Transferring function references... Combining using relations... Adding members to index pages... Correcting members for VHDL... Computing tooltip texts... Generating style sheet... Generating search indices... Generating example documentation... Generating file sources... Generating code for file alpm.h... Generating code for file alpm_list.h... Generating file documentation... Generating page documentation... Generating group documentation... Generating dependency graph for group libalpm Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_files Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_groups Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_errors Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_handle Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_sig Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_depends Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_cb Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_databases Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_log Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_options Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_packages Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_trans Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_misc Generating dependency graph for group libalpm_list Generating class documentation... Generating concept documentation... Generating module documentation... Generating namespace documentation... Generating graph info page... Generating directory documentation... Generating dependency graph for directory libalpm Generating index page... Generating main page... Generating page index... Generating topic index... Generating module index... Generating module member index... Generating namespace index... Generating namespace member index... Generating concept index... Generating annotated compound index... Generating alphabetical compound index... Generating hierarchical class index... Generating graphical class hierarchy... Generating member index... Generating file index... Generating file member index... Generating example index... finalizing index lists... writing tag file... Running plantuml with JAVA... Running dot... type lookup cache used 498/65536 hits=2058 misses=528 symbol lookup cache used 771/65536 hits=297 misses=771 finished... [239/303] Generating doc/makepkg.8 with a custom command [240/303] Generating doc/pacman.8 with a custom command [241/303] Compiling C object libcommon.a.p/src_common_util-common.c.o [242/303] Linking static target libcommon.a [243/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_alpm.c.o [244/303] Generating doc/BUILDINFO.5 with a custom command [245/303] Generating doc/pacman-conf.8 with a custom command [246/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_base64.c.o [247/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_add.c.o [248/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_backup.c.o [249/303] Generating doc/pacman.conf.5 with a custom command [250/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_alpm_list.c.o [251/303] Generating doc/makepkg.conf.5 with a custom command [252/303] Generating doc/PKGBUILD.5 with a custom command [253/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_diskspace.c.o [254/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_error.c.o [255/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_conflict.c.o [256/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_db.c.o [257/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_be_package.c.o [258/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_deps.c.o [259/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_graph.c.o [260/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_filelist.c.o [261/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_be_sync.c.o [262/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_group.c.o [263/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_be_local.c.o [264/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_log.c.o [265/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_rawstr.c.o [266/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_pkghash.c.o [267/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_dload.c.o [268/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_remove.c.o [269/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_hook.c.o [270/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_package.c.o [271/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_trans.c.o [272/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_handle.c.o [273/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_version.c.o [274/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_deptest.c.o [275/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_signing.c.o [276/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_check.c.o [277/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_database.c.o [278/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_files.c.o [279/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_sync.c.o [280/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_package.c.o [281/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_sighandler.c.o [282/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_query.c.o [283/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_remove.c.o [284/303] Compiling C object libalpm_objlib.a.p/lib_libalpm_util.c.o [285/303] Linking static target libalpm_objlib.a [286/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_upgrade.c.o [287/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_conf.c.o [288/303] Linking target [289/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_sync.c.o [290/303] Compiling C object pacman-conf.p/src_pacman_pacman-conf.c.o [291/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_pacman.c.o [292/303] Compiling C object vercmp.p/src_util_vercmp.c.o [293/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_callback.c.o [294/303] Compiling C object testpkg.p/src_util_testpkg.c.o [295/303] Generating symbol file [296/303] Linking target vercmp [297/303] Compiling C object pacman-conf.p/src_pacman_callback.c.o [298/303] Linking target testpkg [299/303] Compiling C object pacman-conf.p/src_pacman_conf.c.o [300/303] Compiling C object pacman-conf.p/src_pacman_util.c.o ../src/pacman/util.c: In function ‘concat_alpm_depends’: ../src/pacman/util.c:416:21: warning: ignoring return value of ‘asprintf’ declared with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result] 416 | asprintf(&depends, "%s %s", tmp, depstring); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../src/pacman/util.c:419:21: warning: ignoring return value of ‘asprintf’ declared with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result] 419 | asprintf(&depends, "%s", depstring); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../src/pacman/util.c:425:17: warning: ignoring return value of ‘asprintf’ declared with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result] 425 | asprintf(&depends, "%s", ""); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [301/303] Compiling C object pacman.p/src_pacman_util.c.o ../src/pacman/util.c: In function ‘concat_alpm_depends’: ../src/pacman/util.c:416:21: warning: ignoring return value of ‘asprintf’ declared with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result] 416 | asprintf(&depends, "%s %s", tmp, depstring); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../src/pacman/util.c:419:21: warning: ignoring return value of ‘asprintf’ declared with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result] 419 | asprintf(&depends, "%s", depstring); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../src/pacman/util.c:425:17: warning: ignoring return value of ‘asprintf’ declared with attribute ‘warn_unused_result’ [-Wunused-result] 425 | asprintf(&depends, "%s", ""); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [302/303] Linking target pacman [303/303] Linking target pacman-conf INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja INFO: calculating backend command to run: /data/usr/bin/ninja -C /data/home/shell/stage2/pacman/src/pacman/build